
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Friday, May 24, 2024



"Naturally Woke" Flag

  © j. Madison Rink

Monday, April 8, 2024

"Nature's Prayer" Award winning......

Nature's Prayer

  © j. Madison Rink

DESIGNERS "Do you see what I see....."

I value your view .......

 A quick peak at "On The Road" in the gallery when you're there....

I witnessed that powerful and naturally unifying power, today

...that magnificent and total solar eclipse ...

the East coast viewing took my breath away

Yes, dear Nature in our Universe

you got our total and absolute.... 

wide eyed attention today

j. madison

Monday, September 11, 2023


 © j. Madison Rink

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

still familiar

© j. Madison Rink

Sunday, December 25, 2022

 I’m in the temple, too.   © j.

Monday, September 19, 2022

A Woman's Monarch

Jane Barlow, photographer

A deeply stirring symbol

A Monumental Reign 

of Excellence

of Mind, of Heart, of Soul

70 years of....

A Woman's Monarch

                                                       Jane Barlow, photographer

Jane Barlow, Photographer



Monday, June 27, 2022

 Women reign!

(lifting of skirts)
© j. Madison Rink

a multicultural,
 geological representation of the Vagina 
on the cross
because doing so  underscores
the very long history of both 
the Vagina and the cross 
as powerful and highly effective 
evil averting... the case of the Vagina 
also fertility enhancing
archetypal symbols

  avert and fertilize

© j. Madison Rink

 "Moving is purgatory... but feels like hell."  j. Madison Rink

Turns out

I have an office

to sleep


Friday, April 1, 2022

2022, 15th Annual International Color Awards, Nominee

Selected,  Climate Change collection @


© j. Madison Rink

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Who are you?

 I feel woman...first,

et toi?

                                Eye of Heart
© j. Madison Rink

Monday, August 16, 2021

© j. Madison Rink

 If you're wondering...

am I still alive 

I am

© j

Thursday, April 8, 2021


International Colour Awards, 2021

LOS ANGELES March 28, 2021 - Professional photographer j. Madison Rink of USA was presented with the 14th Annual International Color Awards Nominee title in the category of Nature at a prestigious Winners & Nominee Photoshow streamed Saturday, March 27, 2021.

6,109 entries were received from 73 countries and her work "Elder Rest" and "Edo Erotic" received a high percentage of votes overall.  The live online gala was attended by industry leaders and the photography community from around the globe who logged on to watch the climax of the world's premier event for color photography. 14th Annual Jury members included captains of the industry from Bonhams, New York; The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles; The Art Channel, London; Netflix, Los Angeles; Koller Auctions, Zurich; Preus Museum, Norway; Cramer Mitterrand Art Advisory, Geneva; Fila, New York; Calvin Klein, Netherlands; Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg; NBC Universal, New York; Feldbusch Weisner Rudolph Galerie, Berlin; Newsweek, New York; and Ridley Scott Associates/RSA Films, London who honored Color Masters with 622 coveted title awards and 826 nominees in 37 categories.

"I was delighted to be involved in such a worthwhile and renowned competition and that given the very high standard of material submitted, judging winners proved extremely difficult." Said Juror Laura Paterson, Head of Photographs at Bonhams, New York.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

 I'm just acting dumb...feeling numb

© j.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


...standing tall in the fog, I do so love.

© j.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

....another chrismas

So many ways

to see it


© j. Rink

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Tectonic evolutionary shift today

© j. Madison Rink

....the laws of the universe Rule
I witness
Good and Just 

© j

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

On   the other   hand  

©  j.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

© j. Madison Rink

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Thursday, August 27, 2020

I'm not religious....but


go ahead

our hearts
our minds
our souls

bless them good

© j. rink

Sunday, August 16, 2020

....purring ...true love.....

© j. Madison Rink


I lavish my kitty

with an abundance

of affection

and love 

such pleasure

to see

to hear

to know

 at least one of us

is happy 


© j. Rink

Thursday, July 16, 2020


© j. Madison Rink

Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Urgency of Intersectionality

(noun — coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw)  TED Talk
"The complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect, especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups." — Dictionary

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


One time
at a time

© j. madison rink

Friday, April 24, 2020


Vagina, an Evil Averting, Fertility Enhancing Archtypol Symbol
Copyright j. Madison Rink


© j. Madison Rink

The Velocity

of this vehicular emotion
unprepared feet
into turbulent flight
a shocking sight
the terror of great plight
through the emohistory of madness
for all the badness that's been done
 out there
Yet one day
scattered thoughts will line up
Old memories will dawn faces
in strange, yet orderly places
and all will appear crystal clear
in reflection
let us grant a genuflection
for this gentler

still mighty giant

©  2004  MRink

Sunday, March 29, 2020

At this time

all things I do 
try not to do
but...still do...
at this moment in time
Deep down
I know 
I have a handle on it
I still have a desire
to control.... 

breathe, breathe, breathe
oh, breath
so deeply satisfying
the air 
so crisp, brisk
and clear


Friday, March 20, 2020

.....a mindful shower helps........

Friday, December 13, 2019


I mean...
there has never been a better time
for a tribe of women
to lead
this country
....and world.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Good prevails.........
Do not be so naive as to think it might necessarily happen in your lifetime... could

Friday, February 15, 2019

"ana.suromai" In ancient history and NOW, Vagina as an Evil Averting | Fertility Enhancing Symbol


copyright,   j. Madison Rink


 97 Women Artists:  21st Century Agents of Change 

 "Altered (H.W. Janson's History of Art) Book" 

Curated by Sue J. Norton's Poplin 


Wednesday, January 17, 2018


ã j.  Madison Rink
Archival Triptych Print

Iconographic Change


History is written by survivors......

There is a centuries long, perhaps even hidden history covering some twenty thousand years, dating as far back as the Upper Palaeolithic art scene when the image of the Vagina was iconic, honored and revered as Sacred and Public Art. It was a powerful, socially significant, fertility enhancing, evil averting symbol and art, most of which was forcefully destroyed by the Christians during the 17th century.

The environmentally sculpted by Mother Nature triptych and image of the Vagina above is entitled "at One." The concept of being One with Nature and therefore One with All is a consciously integrated theme in my body of art entitled “Primitive Nature.” This triptych symbolizes all women "At One" at this time in our history. I am now increasingly hopeful and greatly inspired by the ever increasing and united numbers of women's voices, supported by more men than ever, speaking up about the world wide and serious and devastating epidemic of violence and sexual assault against women and young girls. I have come to believe, since beginning to exhibit this particular image that a critical aspect of this chronic epidemic which surely contributes to the root of this escalating crisis is the way in which most people, including many women view the image of the Vagina. To many it is considered a taboo and more often than not reduced in perception to little more than blatant pornography. Why? We must reject this view that is shrouded in the misrepresentation that the vagina is a “vile, dirty and repugnant, even evil” image. Instead, we surely must re-claim the centuries long symbolic history and embrace the image of the vagina when it was greatly honored and revered as a sacred, healing, artful symbol; a representation of elegant beauty, balance, harmony and fertility from which all human life is birthed. 

As a very young child who endured devastating sexual assault, the recognition and mirroring of this environmentally sculpted and natural human likeness in nature was a profoundly enlightening and healing experience for me.  In the very moment I first viewed this image, I was reminded of a mysteriously deep, circular in nature physical, scientific and spiritual ancient understanding which underscores the ancient concept that we are all one with Nature and as such we are One with ALL.  With this kind of healing clarity, I was inspired to create a multicultural representation of the same rock subject, utilizing different lighting, in order that all women could see themselves reflected in nature in this elegantly beautiful, sacred and healing way.  

History of this work and other primal images, including Artist Statement:

YALE, Beinecke Library, Women in Photography International Archives

2015- 2018  Additional Archives:   the Smithsonian, New York,,  Women's Museum, Wash D.C., the GETTY Museum, Los Angeles The Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America at Radcliffe for Advanced Study, Harvard University,  International Center of Photography, (ICP)  New York City,   University of Arizona Center of Creative Photography, Tucson.  

Must Read:  Story of the V:  Opening Pandora's Box, by Catherine Blackledge (U.K.)  

Thursday, November 30, 2017

BEYOND BOUNDARIES: Nature's Ancient Art

An Exhibit of found Nature's Ancient Art works:    
Through month of December, 2017

 Night Sky Gallery
826 Canyon Road
Santa Fe, New Mexico 

KEEP UP with NEWS!  

Sunday, November 22, 2015

sangre de cristo, spirits rest

 Copyright,   j. Madison Rink

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Yale University, Beinecke Library, Women in Photography International Archives

In 2015 I felt honored to be included in the Women in Photography International Archives at Yale University in the Beinecke Library.  (Links below)

In 2016  A historical documentation of the photographic & biographical materials of the j. Madison Rink "Primitive Nature" collection were also included in the archives at the Smithsonian, New York,  Women's Museum, Wash D.C., the GETTY Museum, Los Angeles, Harvard University, MA,  International Center of Photography, New York City, The Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America at Radcliffe for Advanced Study,  University of Arizona Center of Creative Photography, Tuscon.

Yale University, Beinecke Library Archive 

Women in Photography International, WIPI was founded in 1981 to promote the visibility of women in photography.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Art & Voices for Bio Diversity

Copyright,   j. Madison Rink

Higher Purpose

Connecting to the Earth

Friday, May 10, 2013

UNM, HOWL Publication

I am excited and feel honored that a representation of my "Outsider Nature Art Photography" was recently chosen for inclusion in the University of New Mexico publication of HOWL, Spring, 2013.  "The Literary Journal of the Arts, UNM-Taos."   'the shaman'  on cover

GO SEE images of these extraordinary, naturally sculpted embodied spirits. Link below

National Geographic, Four Corners Region

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Taos, New Mexico

Humpty Dumpty
in Taos

Only one of a growing number of new photographs from the Taos, New Mexico collection.